Reiki, Massage & Energetic Bodywork Offerings
Christina Morris, Reiki Master, Lomilomi massage practitioner and owner of Breath & Bone Reiki & Massage
Reiki is an ancient healing art that is used to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and aid in the well-being of the spirit. By allowing stagnant energy to shift, move and release, an environment of higher healing is created.
Hawaiian style lomilomi massage offers a way to connect more deeply to your Self, both physically and energetically. You may feel shifts and releases throughout your entire being as this massage style is equal parts spiritual and physical and unlike any other massage you’ve ever had!
Stina’s sessions offer options to add onto your reiki or massage experience, tuning into your body’s needs which may be calling for a more focused session, addressing specific concerns or client requests. Some of the practices we can fold into your sessions include, but are not limited to: essential oils, flower essences, crystal fork vibrational healing techniques, working with stones/elements and therapeutic body oil, and options for pain relief, just to name a few.
Working with your unique energy, you are invited to listen more deeply and tune into your highest self. You may experience more clarity afterwards, a sense of being more centered or sleeping more deeply.
Click button below to schedule your session!