8 Limbs: Yama 5: Aparigraha

“Like a leaf from a tree, she just let go. There was no effort. There was no struggle.” ~Saphire Rose

The art of letting go, knowing that after every letting go, something good is there waiting to fill that space. This yama asks us to recognize what it is that we are holding onto and why? It asks us to remember that what we possess, possesses us. What we hold onto, holds us.

In our practice, we scan our body, our mind, our breath and sensations, staying mindful and present so that we may recognize where we are holding on and where we can soften a little and let go. Physically, are you sitting with sensation or pushing yourself and feeling pain? Is your breath freely moving or is your jaw tight, making it hard to let go and experience a full round of breath? Are you holding onto thoughts or can you let them go, knowing they’ll be there later if you truly need them? Is your spirit holding onto a version of you that you no longer need to hold onto? Can you let go? Can you truly give yourself permission to let go and make room for something that might be even greater?


8 Limbs: Niyama 1: Saucha


8 Limbs: Yama 4: Brahmacharya